A "pure laine" swastika-painter!
Published: 01/28/2008
A Brooklyn, N.Y., man who allegedly painted swastikas and hung fliers reading "Kill All Jews" was indicted.
Ivaylo Ivanov, 37, was indicted on 100 counts of criminal mischief, including hate crimes, Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes announced at a news conference Sunday. Ivanov faces up to 25 years in jail if convicted.
He allegedly painted swastikas in 23 places, including two synagogues and several homes, and hung the anti-Semitic fliers in his Brooklyn Heights neighborhood.
Police found weapons, including a sawed-off shotgun and sniper rifle, at his apartment. Police also found bombs filled with nails and other metal bits, including one that was remote controlled, in Ivanov's possession, according to police, the New York Sun reported.
Ivanov came to the United States 15 years ago from Bulgaria. His lawyer has said that Ivanov is Jewish. Last week he pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated harassment, criminal mischief as a hate crime, criminal possession of a weapon and reporting a false incident. ◘
Also Sunday, Pavel Andreenko, 22, of Brooklyn, was indicted for allegedly painting swastikas in the New York communities of Flatbush and Sheepshead Bay. Andreenko was arrested last week after police used the calls he made to report the vandalism to link him to the crime.
Pasted from <http://www.jta.org/cgi-bin/iowa/breaking/106665.html>