
Burma vs. Hungary

Myanmar's (Burma) population is estimated at over 47 million - 20,000 monks protested against government measures.
Hungary is home to over 10.5 million people. 300,000 people protested against government measures.
The reported reasons for the protests are almost identical in both Burma and Hungary.
Burma is first page news all over the world; Hungary is barely reported and, when reported, it is misrepresented, downplayed and trivialized.
The only difference between the protests in Burma and Hungary and the reason for the Hungarian one to be downplayed in the Western mass media is that, in Hungary, the protests are against a Socialist-Communist government "democratically elected" - and we all know what
that means: just look at how Bush got "elected", not once but twice.
It is embarrassing for the Socialist-Communist governments of the world - especially the Western ones - that such a massive nationwide protest can occur against a government with the same identical political ideals and ideology as theirs; i.e. the governments of
France, Germany, Italy, Britain, USA, Spain, Sweden and practically all European democracies.
Therefore the protests in Hungary are not reported in the Western mass media, while the protests in Burma are, despite the basic fact that the Hungarian one is far more massive than the Burmese one and far more relevant to Europeans than the Burmese one.

Miklós Szelényi

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