
We ARE reaching people around the world!

Dear Julia,
One can only hope that your alert reaches the under informed voters. Do people actually know what this ADL-AIPAC initiated hate bill is all about?
In our Orwellian Zion-world the voters swallowed the Patriot Acts without a murmur. The result is that anyone with a grudge can dob in another person who can be arrested without proof, indefinitely detained and held without any charge forever. The "war against terror" is in reality a blueprint for changing democracies into dicatorships!!
The so called "hate" legislation will go a step further and finalise total censorship over speech, writing and thought!! Anyone who dares to utter the word "Jew", protest against blatant Israeli atrocities, anyone who dares to raise his-her voice against the introduction of paedophilia in schools under the "homosexual education" title, anyone who does not accept the prevailing abnormalities, can and will be eliminated.

It is not enough that the AIPAC Zionists factually control America and its pathetic puppet administration. People must be totally muzzled and individual thought excised along with all knowledge, other than what Fox-CNN-Murdoch dishes up to its totally brainwashed and dumbed down listeners.
Will the American voter ever get the real message and wake up from its coma? Will they ever realise that there is no difference between the asses and the elephants, both of whom have the same foreign controllers? Will the people turn their back on both hypocritical parties and vote only for independents - on merit?
With friendly greetings from
Eve Metz
Melbourne. Australia